Friday, June 04, 2010

Haven't been blogging for half a year... Life is busy and work is hectic, lucky I have my beloved friends standing by my side and a caring, loving and understanding someone with me all these while.

Been and back from Australia since January, the workload there is really so much lesser. Documentation is only once a day, having only 4 to 6 patients to take care of... When will Singapore healthcare be able to do this. Back here in Singapore, 3 nurses to 14 to 16 patients, but there are nurses who still cannot cope, still complain of busy and tired, and then they will take MCs... Worse of all, sometimes they cant even complete their work and then pass over to the other shifts. Remember those days when nurses here was taking care of 16 patients with only 2 nurses, they still finish their work, complete their tasks before passing over. Is it because nurses nowadays are more pamper or this is the latest trend?

Infection control is giving me headache... In books and in reality is so much of difference. What books had written seems to be so difficult to fulfill in reality... Books will tell you to wear all your protective stuffs to enter a cubicle, but in reality who will do? To them, even sometimes I do find it ridiculous to do it, but no choice, if I don't do it, people will say I as infection control nurse never do it, why must they do it... Worse of all, overheard a conversation. A nurse from our ward go to my previous ward and tell the nurses there,"Do you know our ward is so troublesome, need to wear all the protective stuffs and answer a call bell, if patient ask for urinal need to degown, go and take the urinal and come back wear up those stuffs and give to the patient!" I will definitely go and tell this nurse, cant you ask someone to get the urinal for you and you wait in that cubicle for a while. Sigh...

For a friend of mine, that I always thought that you are by my side, but now it seems that you have gone and I never know how to treat you the same again. You have changed... Now you ignored me, maybe you have your own reasons, your own thinking... So be it, I wont bother you anymore.

For the one who had always been with me all these while.

Thanks for showering me with love and concern always.
Thanks for waiting for me for the 8 weeks that I was not around.
Thanks for tolerating with all my nonsenses.
Thanks for making an effort to send me to work whenever I am on night.
Thanks for making everything in our relationship possible.

You made me know that even the whole world have changed,
Your love for me will never change and I will never be alone.

I love you much!

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