Thursday, June 18, 2009

Saying goodbye...

It all begin somewhere. Saying goodbye to someone significant, is the beginning of something else to come. Looking back, I've come to realized that some things that are lost may never be found again. And perhaps, it's for the best interest of everyone that it can never be found. I've also learn that sometimes losing something may be the antecedent to bring something better. Something beyond what you might have pictured your life to be in future.

Its so easy to fall in love and fall out of love. The real challenge is staying in love. Like the saying goes, love is an action and not merely a word. It is not love until you given it away. Love can also hurt. If it doesn't, it probably isn't love in the first place. But the hurt that comes from love is there, so that you can find the essence of it in the process of getting over it. I've had to let go of many people in the process of trying to discover what it really means to love someone and be loved in return. And I'm still learning everyday. It hurt badly and the reality of it, is that it never really goes away. It leaves behind scars, which reminds you of them, every now and then when you look close enough. It is however, also through these tiny scars that remind us that we are who we are today because of the priceless gifts that were bestowed to us by people who carved them.

Once upon a time, I've lead a life far from perfect. Along the way i have been burnt, scarred and stabbed. But in return i have also retaliated, to keep my conscience alive. Till date, i still believed that some of them deserved it to the fullest. However to the rest, I'm just regretful things turned out the way it was. Believe me, those were purely unintentional.

To the one who once cared for me, the memories you gave make me smile even till today, thank you for giving me memories that can never be replaced. Because of you, i learn that sometimes you didn't even realize how much i love or need that person until i lose him/her. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. I've finally learn to let go, something which i could never did even when though i was the one who pushed you away. I've come to realize that when somethings just cannot be reconciled, perhaps the only solution is to let myself diminish in the memory of the other. I've finally allowed myself to let go and not look back, hoping that you would lead a better life.

I'm now at a crossroad once again, carrying with me, not the grievances and futile hopes, but rather my invaluable lessons learn and priceless memories, i am now smiling as i choose the path. For i now know and understand that it always starts somewhere. And for me, that somewhere is, learning to let go and look forward, so that i will not allow history to repeat itself and void myself the chance of being truly at bliss. And for that, i have another person to thank. Someone who saw me through my darkened tunnel days when i lost him out of my own doing. Thank you for showing me where i am to begin, and more importantly for holding my hand and walking by my side, down the path less trodden, where i know at the end of the road even if i do not find the pot of gold, at least i still have you as a friend...

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